How to actually create frame independant lerping!

So you’ve probably seen a lot of these posts only to try it out and find out that the equation doesn’t work. But don’t worry as I’ve found a really simple equation that works!

all you have to do is multiply the deltaTime (time since last frame) by FPS (if you always play on 240 and you want it to look the same on any other fps, put 240. Vice versa.)

so the equation is just deltaTime * FPS, let me explain. So make a variable called deltaMultiplier or whatever you want really and how it works is if your running for example 60 fps a second, your deltaTime is aproximinately 0.01666, multiply that by 60 and you get 1, if your on 120 fps your delta is 0.008333 then the equation gives you 0.5. So depending on how fast the frame time (deltaTime) is, it gives you a number accordingly.

Now whenever you lerp multiply the alpha by the deltaMultiplier

Hope you enjoyed :slight_smile: