- posted YouTube short video about the game
- 2 people joined
- they haven`t seen anyone in game
- they left forever
the endless cycle
That’s exactly why I don’t like social media as a way of promoting games
then there`s nothing we can do about promotion
please can you help me with this ?
To be honest, if that is the outcome then I think your game is condemned to failure. If a game is unique and interesting enough, then an initial boost in players should garner more attention without much extra help through algorithm recommendations and through friends joining friends.
Not really, for that to happen he would need to have basically every single one of the players be joined by a friend, which not possible, and roblox is also never going to promote a game with only 1-2 days of data.
His game just needs more players.
Yes! Advertising! It’s not perfect but it’s the best we’ve got.
Yes, change the icon, and it’s 1k per day during 10-15 days
thanks you so much for your responding
Alright, to add on to the context, my game was garnering attention as you said, from mutual friends and algorithm recommendations. However, my main source of players was through the players searching for my game, a week or two ago, my game, which was the first thing that showed up when players searched for it.
Suddenly, it vanished from the search page. When players search up my exact game name, they see other random bs. I had a peak player count of about 70 players playing my game then went on to have a ccu of 25 during weekends. It dropped to 3 - 4 players when it couldn’t be searched.