This is placed inside RepFirst (it’s an intro UI setup)
local SharedModules = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('SharedModules')
local UIModules = SharedModules:WaitForChild('UIModules')
local Click = require(UIModules.Click)
and I keep getting infinite yield warnings for the SharedModules line. So I add in a timeout
local SharedModules = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('SharedModules', 5)
However, I then get errors for the lines below (as SharedModules obviously still hasn’t loaded yet, thus it returns nil)
So what am I supposed to do? I either get infinite yields, or errors. It does eventually load in and what not, but I still don’t like the warning appearing in my dev console + it creates other infinite yield problems (I don’t know why)
To solve this type of problems I suggest to wait till its loaded. Like
local loadingScreen = script.LoadingScreenGUI
loadingScreen.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui
local contenProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider")
local toLoad = workspace:GetDescendants()
local total = #toLoad
for i,v in pairs(toLoad) do
loadingScreen.Background.Counter.Text = "Loading: " .. i .. "/" .. total .. " " .. v.Name
loadingScreen.Background.BarBG.Bar.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
It’s a loading gui script. If the script runs the loading gui won’t destroyed until it’s finished loading. Maybe you can try something like this.
You can make simply a WaitForChild function like this:
local function WaitForChild(Object,Name,Time)
local FindObject = Object:FindFirstChild(Name)
local StartTime = tick()
local EndTime = (Time or math.huge) + StartTime
while not FindObject do
if not tick() >= EndTime then
FindObject = Object:FindFirstChild(Name)
return FindObject
The function above isn’t tested, say if there is any error.
Maybe you need to think about where you place your assets (modulescripts, etc.), according to how Roblox’s network-replication-method works, and in the sequence that clients needs them during the initial loading.
You did write (thats why I highlighted it) “placed inside ReplicatedFirst”, yet that code, you then have instructed to depend on an assert from ReplicatedStorage, which is “slower” to replicate - depending on how much “data” you have in Workspace, ReplicatedFirst & ReplicatedStorage, that is being replicated to clients when they join the game.
So perhaps move your SharedModules (and its children) into the ReplicatedFirst area? (And update all the other scripts that needs to require it.)
Or increase the timeout value for {instance}:WaitForChild() to much more than just 5 seconds?