How to add a certain place to a start place

Hi, please help me.

I made a start place to use as a lobby for my story game. I added a place inside the start place so I could teleport the players to the story. I finished the story then I accidentally removed the place from the start place.
I still have it as a place but I don’t know how to add it back into the start place.

Thanks for reading, I hope this wasn’t too confusing. Please let me know if it’s possible… any help would make my day.

I can’t really understand some parts of your post but as long as you had a back-up place somewhere you can easily export it back to your start place. You can save your back up as a file by clicking File > Save to file. To replace a place with a place file, you can click File > Open from file and select the place file you saved as a back-up. I hope this helps, if you have questions do let me know and for any other Developers who find my comment flawed feel free to criticize.

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That just opens up my place. I need to add it back into here:

So let me just recap here, you do have the place you deleted somewhere else right?

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Click undo or did u already log off the project when u deleted it

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From what I read the place itself was deleted and she has the assets of the place saved on a different game.

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If she has a copy of it she can import in to the game she developing on but i dont know how to do it so

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I deleted the place from the start place’s places

Do you have the assets on a different place or you don’t? ( Maybe on a different game ) If you don’t unfortunately it won’t be possible to save your accidentally deleted place.

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Have you tried reverting to an earlier verision (before you deleted the start place?)
File → Game Settings → Places
Click on the … and select Version History, choose one that may still contain the Start Place and select Open. If it does contain the start place then just re-publish it as the latest version.

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this is old but maybe this

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I’ve done this many times before, and I wish there was a confirmation prompt before deleting.

To fix it, head to Create > My Creations > Places, and find the place in question. Then, open it up in studio, and “Publish to Roblox As”, where I believe there’s some sort of “Add to Place” link at the bottom of the publish prompt.

There you should be able to add it back to your original game.

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Oh my gosh, I’m an actual idiot. How did I not realise that? Thank you so much!!

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