How to add a UI inside the Topbar UI

I need help trying to add a UI inside the Topbar UI I made from the Topbar module.

I was wondering how to do it like Bedwars:

The Green, Blue, Red, Yellow squares in side the icon.


Topbar+ may not help. You might have to make UI for the topbar manually and use IgnoreUIInset (that’s what I think it’s called) to have it in the top.

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The problem is that the sizing changes depending on your screen size. I have also tried using AutoScale and using scale for sizing but it doesn’t work. Bedwars, I can tell uses Topbar.

Might be a TopBarPlus theme used to add a custom font to make custom icons?

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The size is offset the position is scale

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The positioning is still off though.

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Maybe try making something with topbar+ then play test, go to your player gui and copy the topbar+ ui and then end the play test and paste it to studio then edit it from there.


Whats with the negative offset position?
Theres no AutoScaling in this.

Its probably coded to auto scale. I don’t see any AutoScale inside it.

pretty sure there’s a built in screengui inside PlayerGui folder in every player that includes the topbar. just find it and clone one.

I don’t see any topbar except the Topbar Plus.