How to add aiming to my fps view model?

I’ve tried modifying EgoMoose’s aimDownSights function in his guide to make an fps (find that here), Although it didn’t work.
Not looking for a script. I would just like an idea of how I would do this.

My approach to any error that is not immediately obvious is put some prints into the script to confirm the logic flows as I expect it.
Have you done that and if so can we see your scripts with the prints and the console output please.

There aren’t any errors. It’s just that the arms move far away from the camera.

Nevermind, I’ve fixed it myself. Assuming you have an invisible part that you use to set where the player would aim down sights, you should be able to do what I did.

HumanoidRootPart = ViewModel.PrimaryPart
HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Camera.CFrame * (AimPart.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(HumanoidRootPart.CFrame))
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