At the end of this post he concluded that ppl doing this had “baked the camera on blender” ?? ive been doing tons of research but didn’t find anything. The last hope i had was adding a camera on moon animator and linking it to the head and moving the head but when i exported the rig and published it on roblox the animation didn’t work.
if you wanna add an animation to the players camera, make a localscript and put it in the players backpack. (this is just preference, you can put the localscript wherever as long as its in a local space. (StarterPlayerScripts, StarterGUI)
Since Moon Animator doesn’t directly animate the camera, you need to animate a proxy part (like the CamShakePart) instead. Here’s how:
Add a new invisible part to your rig
Name it “CamShakePart” (or whatever you want).
Place it near the head or where you want the camera to be.
Attach it to the head using a Motor6D
Animate this part in Moon Animator
Instead of animating the camera directly, animate this part.
Make it move and rotate like you want the camera to behave during reloads.
Export and Play in Roblox
When you import your animation in Roblox, the CamShakePart should move exactly as animated.
Then use the script to set the player’s camera to follow this part.
Nope, Just attach it to the HRP (humanoidrootpart)
What you can do with the camera is when the player is in first person, you can match the cameras CFrame with the CamshakePart. I should of mentioned that before, i guess i forgot xd