Hello, as everyone (or not) knows that you can make new ranks in HD Admin program, I got a question here. How do I add commands to specific ranks?, the ranks look like:
Ranks = {
{5, "Owner", {"",0} };
{4.9, "Co-Owner", {"",0}, };
{4.5, "Developer", {"",0}, };
{4, "HeadAdmin", {"",0}, };
{3.1, "Admin", {"",0}, };
{3, "Trialing Admin", {"",0}, };
{2.1, "Mod", {"",0}, };
{2, "Trialing Mod", {"",0}, };
{1, "someone", {"",0}, };
{0, "NonAdmin", };
Ranks like 1,2,3,4,5 have their own commands. How do I add commands to like 4.9, 4.5 and 3.1? The ones I select, example:
Owner has access to global announcement command, and I wan’t for Co-Owner to have access to that command