How to add euphoria ragdoll to a R15 Character

i just don’t know how to start or what should i start doing

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What do you mean by “euphoria”? Elaborate please.


Give them a happy little face :smiley:

But like seriously, wdym?

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Euphoria is a felling or state of heighten joy or happiness, I’m not exactly sure why the rig type would affect that?, But if you are trying to do a psychedelic or hallucinogenic type of effect you can do it by manipulating the players screen client. (Plz provide more detail because I am quite lost :pray:)

To everyone who doesn’t understand, Euphoria Ragdoll is a ragdoll physics simulation from GTA 4, which is considered a realistic simulation of humans reacting to physical damage and falling according to received impacts, like holding their wound, dramatically falling on their knees, etc.

I do believe to achieve that it would need scripting and some inverse kinematics.

That can be achieved with the Avatar Joint Upgrade that will be released out of beta next year.

That’s quite a complex task, but totally possible. To implement something similar, I would do the following:

  1. Make a R15 ragdoll using BallSocketConstraints and HingeConstraints. I would suggest to set to false all CanCollide parts of the ragdoll and add welded parts that would work as the Hitbox of each limb. You would need to set CollideGroups in a way that adyacent parts (for example, the Hitboxes of RightHand and RightLowerArm) does not collide each other for maximum flexibility.

  2. Add AlignOrientation element on each limb. These are in charge of moving each part individually.

  3. Make an animation of a stumbling character. You can do this with the Animation Editor.

  4. Add a hidden R15 rig anywhere in your game (you could make it invisible if you want).

  5. Everytime you want to “ragdollize” a character, replace it with a ragdoll with the same clothes as your characters. Then, play the stumbling animation on the hidden rig. For every game tick, you need to set the rotation speed of each AlignOrientation to the rotation difference between the ragdoll’s limb and the rig’s. For example, if the rotation of the ragdoll’s head is currently 30 degrees relative to X axis and the rig’s head is 90 degrees, you would set the rotation speed of X axis to 60 units. That way, each limb would try to mimic the animation played in the rig.

So yeah. You may need to study how CFrame and angles work to acomplish this.

i tried using that but idk how to like make it into a euphoria system

I am trying to mimic euphoria ragdoll too. This is a basic understanding of how to create it.

I can’t write any code for you, but the most basic way to do it is by adding a force that goes upward in the head and an equal force that goes downward in the legs or lowertorso then find a way to move the legs and arms to move.

This is what I created a few days ago. Its not perfect.

this is very impressive ! i made my own in R6 with custom reactions for stumbling and burning (see videos) and im using it in a shooter game. I’m very curious as to what method you used for animating them.

I used Inverse Kinematics For the feet and used a spring constraint to move the arm.

I’m still trying to make it better.

I followed this video to create it.