How to add luck to this Weighted / RNG system

Hello I am trying to add luck to this weighted luck system.

return {
	getRandomIndex = function(playerLuck, chances)	
		for i, v in ipairs(chances) do
			local randomNum = math.random(1, v[2]) 
			if randomNum then		
				if randomNum == 1 and v[2] > chances[1][2] then				
					return {
		return chances[1]

So far its properly returning based on chances
This is in 1 Million roles

First Is 1 in 3
Second Is 1 in 5
Third Is 1 in 9

How would you add luck to it? I have a number value which is the player luck but I have no idea on how to boost the player chances of getting a “luckier” chance.

Any help / guidance is appreciated


You can probably create another RNG between like, half luck and whatever the luck stat is, and add the outcome to the final number if it’s higher than the minimum luck needed to pass.

local luckModifier = math.random(luck * 0.5, luck)
local randomNumModified = randomNum + if luckModifier > "minimum luck" then ("amount to add") else 0

Or maybe make the math.random range between luck and 100 (assuming luck doesn’t cap out at 100. Then maybe 150 or 200? Something higher)

local luckModifier = math.random(luck, 100)
local randomNumModified = randomNum + if luckModifier > "minimum luck" then ("amount to add") else 0
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Go here: GitHub - rxi/lume: Lua functions geared towards gamedev

Use weightedRandoms

Understand that your chance is the sum of the weighted values divided by value.

currentValue / ValuesCombined = PercentChanceOfSelection

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Shoutout to my open source module:

Anyways, an easy way is to multiply the weight of your item by it’s luck factor. This is how I do mine:

itemWeight = itemWeight + (itemWeight * luckFactor)

Also lume has a lot of very handy features to it, is 90% compatable with roblox and can teach you some interesting patterns and lua sugar like function chaining.