How to add padding to only 1 frame (UIPageLayout) (Please Help)

I am making a shop with knives. This is what the shop looks like.

As you can see, the area around the selected knife is very cramped. I want to add padding but can’t because padding affects all the frames.

I want to add padding on the sides around that, but I can’t. Any ideas on how to do this? This is what my view hierarchy looks like.

and this is my Item frame properties:

If you want to only add it to one frame you could use a UIPadding element.

I sadly can’t use that as it only affects the viewport in the Item frame, not the actual padding around the Item frame.

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If anyone is wondering, I managed to solve this using a bit of a hacky but decent solution. Basically, put a UIPadding in the frames before and the ones after the selected item frame. For the ones before, add a padding to the right, and for the ones after, add a padding to the left.

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