How to add pants for avatarEditorServcie:PromptSaveAvatar()?

When using avatar editor service i’ve managed to get it working with hat accessories but when it comes to layered clothing like pants it doesn’t seem to work the same. does anyone have any suggestions or has anyone worked with avatar editor service and layered clothing before?

What happens is i get a warn statement saying the avatar wasn’t able to load the asset so it resorted to default. Then if i press okay and try to equip (i have my own backend equipping because avatar editor service is just ui) it gives me an http 500 error. this is because of the way i’m trying to add pants to the humanoid description.

warn statement: Humanoid::ApplyDescription() Failed to load Pants, default applied


		local currentDescription = humanoid:GetAppliedDescription()
		-- Todo figure out how to set the description so it appears in roblox's avatar ui properly 
		-- (have only gotten this to work with none layered clothing items)
		currentDescription[TEST_ACCESSORY_TYPE] = TEST_ACCESSORY_DATA -- testing
		AvatarEditorService:PromptSaveAvatar(currentDescription, humanoid.RigType)