How to add Party system into Matchmaking Service?

Hihi! I am making a FPS game, I have already used this Matchmaking Module made by steven4547466module. How am I able to implement a Party system from cross server? I am actually desperate to know how

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You dont have to use Matchmaking Service to make a party system. Simply make a secondary party system where you can add and remove players. Then either using matchmaking service or force teleporting them all into a game.

MMS doesn’t manage parties for you, it just allows you to queue them and ensure they get into the same game. You could use messaging service to do cross-server matchmaking invites/joins then you can either save them locally into the leader’s server and queue them from the leader’s server using MatchmakingService:QueuePartyId(players, ratingType, map) where players is an array of their UserId's. Or you could save them into your own memory store and queue them from anywhere. There’s a lot of ways to do it

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But am I able to make sure all of them joins the same team?

MMS ensures they get into the same game. You can get a user’s party from MMS and ensure they’re on the same team. MMS doesn’t handle teams by itself.

Ah aight, thanks a lot! Appreciate it.