How to add password to my remote event

I want to add password to my remote event to protect it from exploiters.
However, if I get player’s password from remote function, exploiters can use that to bypass the password, make the password sytem useless

This is my code:

local passwords = {}

-- Random password
local function randomPassword(NumOfChars)
	local characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
	local randomString = ""
	for i = 1, NumOfChars do
		local randomIndex = math.random(1, string.len(characters))
		randomString = randomString .. string.sub(characters, randomIndex, randomIndex)
	return randomString


-- event need to add password
game.ReplicatedStorage.UpdatePlayerData.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, password, data1, id, questName)
	if not checkPassword(password, plr.UserId) then return end
	if not id then
		data[plr.UserId] = data1
		saveData(nil, id, data1)
	if questName and type(questName) == "string" then

It’s impossible to guarantee security for any part of the client. You can try to obscure your password but what I suggest is that you set up your remotes in a way that they don’t need passwords to be secure.

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Passwords dont work because tools like RemoteSpy exist.

Exploiters can see your remote traffic, just try to harden your server handler as much as possible.

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its useless at the end of the day, they can see the password through remote spy

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so i need to create a lot of remote event for all of update data thing??

I posted a tutorial that include a free resource a few days ago, it may help you to handle RemoteEvents, feel free to check it out!

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You don't.
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no, i need to secure my game or the exploiter will hack my game!

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That’s not the way tho. As everyone else stated in the thread, exploiters can simply spy on remotes. You should instead focus on strengthening your server validations and doing sanity checks. Never handle crucial behavior on the client.