How to add plugin buttons to other cathegories of the ribbon menu

Hi, I want to organize my plugins into other tabs than the plugins tab, for better access.
The problem with this is, that I do not know how to do that…
From what I understand you need to modify the RobloxStudioRibbon.xml file in the studio folder, but the issue is that there are only predefined actions by Roblox, and I did not find a way to add more actions. I know there were proxy actions, that allowed you to add reference to a plugin button, but they seem to not work anymore (Which doesn’t even make any sense, why would you remove a feature like this at all)

I remember Roblox stating that they are working or planning a studio UI redesign, which would add proper customization to the ribbon bar, but there is no ETA for when that’s coming, but judging by some Roblox Dev saying its coming soon on a forum post from a year ago, it doesn’t look like its coming at all, or delayed by a relatively big amount of time.

I hope that someone here will magically know some obscure solution to my also obscure problem.

local toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar("Parts")
local pluginToolbarButton = toolbar:CreateButton(
	"Randomize Colors",
	"Click this button to assign random colors to selected parts",
	"rbxassetid://5325741572" -- A rainbow

This not exactly what I was asking for, what I was asking for really is how can I put the plugin buttons outside the plugin tab, and instead, in the view tab, or the script tab. Of course, not for all plugin users, but just me.

I might not understand what you are saying but are you talking about a dock window?