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I’m trying to make a level-up system and I’ve run into a problem where If the amount of XP you gain is higher than the Max XP then it doesn’t add the remaining XP. So an example is that our XP is 180/200 and we gain 60 XP and our new XP is 0/200 but we didn’t gain the remaining 40 XP that we need.
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lets say you have 180 / 200 xp and you gain 60. You want to do something like this
local gainedXP = 60
local maxXP = 200
local currentXP = 180
local xpDifference = maxXP - currentXP
local leftOverXP = gainedXP - xpDifference
local function FunctionThatLevelsYouUp()
if levelUp then
currentXP = leftOverXP
(Keep in mind this is hypothetical code, do not just copy it. I gave you what logic you should use to find out the leftover XP after the level up.
Try something like this
local level = 1
local XP = 180 -- current XP
local Max_XP = 200
local XP += 40 -- XP increase
if XP >= Max-XP then
XP = XP - Max_XP
level += 1 -- Level change
The XP will immediately be set to the difference between the XP and the max xp.