How to add/remove assets on my profile after the new Creator Marketplace page update?

After new Creator Marketplace page updated, if you clicked assets, you just get sent to the creator marketplace page.
Before update, you could set asset by pressing 3 dots on the top right corner but after update, I can’t find the settings to add/remove asset on profile.

Before After

How do I add/remove assets to my profile after the new update?


I think it’s glitched because now when you tap on the three dots your entire webpage goes black until you reload and it still doesn’t show.

As far I as know, the only way to currently achieve this is to use the Inventory API.

You can paste in your model/asset ID into here and click execute, and it should update on your profile. And you can also remove assets from the collections too by using delete.

Hope this helps.


I hope Roblox fix this soon, Thanks for reply!


Its been what 9 months? Still not added back the add to profile button? Literal joke…

Yes… I don’t know why. Maybe I should try to post this problem in bug report ;/