How to adjust the speed of an animation in this loop?

Hey, I have a loop where I find an animation in a humanoid now I want to adjust the speed but Im not sure how to do it, Ive tried AdjustSpeed and stuff but it hasnt worked for me

for i,v in pairs(EnemyFolder:GetChildren()) do
		if (v.PrimaryPart.Position - hurmp.Position).Magnitude <= 8 and v ~= char then
			local hum = v:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
			local tracks = hum:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()
			for index,value in pairs(tracks) do
				if value.Animation.AnimationId == (EnemyAnimations.EP1.AnimationId) then

AdjustSpeed is the only way to change the speed of an animation. The Play function I believe has a parameter that you can use to set speed before playing an animation which is the other closest you get.

In the situation im in right now I dont play the animation I load the animation