Howdy, i’m making a “Falling Block” minigame & i’ve gotten stuck with it. I want to achieve so the script spawns blocks every couple of seconds, but my code isn’t optimal for this, because it has a “repeat loop” in it. How could i remove this loop, or just adjust it to spawn blocks every couple of seconds without making the code very messy and long? Help & feedback is very much appreciated!
here’s a video of the code in action:
here’s the code:
local fallingPart = game.ReplicatedStorage.FallingPart
local platforms = game.Workspace.ActivePlatforms:GetChildren()
local clone = fallingPart:Clone()
clone.Parent = workspace
local randomPlatform = platforms[math.random(1,#platforms)]
clone.Position =, 50, randomPlatform.Position.Z)
repeat wait(0.01)
if randomPlatform:FindFirstChild("Shadow").Transparency >= 0 then
randomPlatform:FindFirstChild("Shadow").Transparency = randomPlatform:FindFirstChild("Shadow").Transparency - 0.01
clone.Position =,clone.Position.Y - 0.5, clone.Position.Z)
until clone.Position ==, randomPlatform.Position.Y + 3, randomPlatform.Position.Z)
clone.Name = "Platform"
clone.Parent = workspace.ActivePlatforms
randomPlatform.Parent = workspace.UnactivePlatforms
First of all I personally wouldn’t use loops for this type of thing and would use tweens instead. Then make a function to store the loops so you can call the function multiple times. Something like:
local fallingPart = game.ReplicatedStorage.FallingPart
local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local tweenInfo =[[Enter tween info here]])
local platforms = game.Workspace.ActivePlatforms:GetChildren()
-- Call this whenever you need new part
local function cloneAPart()
local clone = fallingPart:Clone()
clone.Parent = workspace
local randomPlatform = platforms[math.random(1, #platforms)]
clone.Position =, randomPlatform.Position.Y + 50, randomPlatform.Position.Z)
endPosition =, randomPlatform.Position.Y + 3, randomPlatform.Position.Z)
endShadowAmount = 0
local tween = TweenService:Create(clone, tweenInfo, {endPosition, randomPlatform:FindFirstChild("Shadow").Transparency = 0})
clone.Name = "Platform"
clone.Parent = workspace.ActivePlatforms
randomPlatform.Parent = workspace.UnactivePlatforms