I created an ad earlier today. I just wanted to experiment, so I put 10 robux. Currently, it has 241 impressions, and one click. I wanted to ask, does roblox increase the amount of times the creator of the ad sees the ad? Just playing roblox normally, ive seen the ad 11 times, but on an alt after constantly refreshing, didnt see it once.
Another thing that I wanted to ask was if clicks and impressions count if the person viewing/clicking is the owner of the advertisment.
Impressions are for each user. You can click on the ad, but it would only get one click, and that is from you.
As far as I know, you need builder’s club to see ads, so that might be why your alt didn’t see it.
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wait what year is it lol? builders club to see ads? o-o

(also I dont have premium and I can see ads still, its just that I didnt see my certain ad on my alt)
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Maybe times have changed since then. Back in the day, sponsors used to be about as effective as ads for PC.
I’m not exactly sure if you see your ad more often because you created it, but from what I can tell, it is.
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