How to allow motors to slowly speed up?

Videos are done processing!

Please watch the video below, it shows visual examples.

What do I want?

I want to figure out how some of these have torque, meaning how some slowly speed up and others speed up to the speed immeadiately.


I just don’t know what to look for. I hate to say it but I’ve used ChatGPT to assist, but that was no frekaing help. I can’t find the stupid AI that I don’t like using that’s apart of Roblox Studio, idk if they removed it already :rofl:

In game:

any help is appreciated, thank you! :smiley:

Try this out.

local speed = 1
for i = 1, 100 do
	speed *= 1.5

You can adjust the what the speed is multiplied by to increase or decrease the torque.

What would that do? Would it constantly increase the speed until it gets to the specified speed?

Yes. If you want it to get to a specific speed you could do something like this,

local MAX_SPEED = 100
local speed = 1
for i = 1, 100 do
	speed *= 1.5
	if speed >= MAX_SPEED then

You’ll probably want to add task.wait() at the beginning of the for loop and then have whatever you want the torque to be applied to after the if statement

How come the other rides that didn’t have that script had little torque but some of them have high torque even tho it’s the same properties, same scripts etc.