How to animate a character that has only one part?

Okay, so I have a StarterCharacter that has only a part. I put a local script under StarterCharacterScripts named Animate and here’s the content:

local character = script.Parent
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local animator = humanoid:WaitForChild("Animator")

local run = character.Run
local runTrack = animator:LoadAnimation(run)

	if speed > 0 then
		print("Player is running")
		print("Player has stopped")

Now, what I did is, I animated only the Torso of an R6 rig (I did not touch the rest of the body parts.).

But when I test it, the animation doesn’t play. There are no errors in the output. So, what is the best way of animating a character that has only one part? Thanks for reading and g’day mate!

The only issue I can think of may be if the game is set to R15 and you’re animating an R6 character.

I set it to R6 but it still doesn’t play.

The animation works for my character but not for my custom character.

This is how they look like in the explorer tab…

PS: Ok, I’ve solved it now. It was because of the weld. I should’ve used Motor6D. :>

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