How to animate text?

I want to have text become animated, here is a video for example

2021-12-23 19-21-05.mp4 - Google Drive

I have searched and the only results is a “typewriter” effect

I just need some pointers, thank you


it’s very hard to make on roblox :frowning:

The shake and wave are a complex solution but the rainbow effect utilizes UIGradients to create a rainbow color sequence, then they are using TweenService to animate the gradients’ Offset vector.
The typewriter text effect is using the MaxVisibleGraphemes property of the text button/labels’ Text. You would set this value to 0, get the length of the text that’s to be shown, then tween the MaxVisibleGraphemes value to the total number of characters.

is it also difficult to make just one or more words of the text in a text lable another color?

You would need to use Rich Text in the text properties and manually define the color per text. It’s possible but is ugly to look at for long strings. It’d look something like this:

textlabel.Text = "<font color="#ff0000">This is some text.</font>"

but for each character.


thanks for this information, i’ll see what I can do with it!

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Look on GitHub/youtube or make it yourself.

yes, it is very hard to recreate without any help, which is why you should look for a tutorial or guide.

tutorials: Text Typewriter Effect in GUIs - Roblox Scripting Tutorial - YouTube

Its seen in numerous games, story games, etc.

Here is what it looks like

if you have questions please ask me!