How to animate Tool Parts (Guns, Knifes etc.)

Well, did you by any chance attach the part0 of the Motor6D to the hand?

Ive fixed it nevermind
(30 characters)

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Will this worked with moon studio animator plugin as well?

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I already know how to animate these, but how do I make it function as a tool?

Part 4 won’t work, outdated or is it just the plungin is different now?

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How is it not working? It still function as normal for me.

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Not sure, but probably. You might want to test it out!


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Your plugin looks different with mine, but basically select the Root part first, then Ctrl + click the remaining parts > Create Motor6D.

Won’t work, ripppppp. What shall I do?

I’d rather use RigEdit if I were you. Much more easier and you can see where each bone is.

Thanks for the tutorial! Really good explanation too!

what plugin is it i cant find it

This is actually nuts. Can you export this as a rig and animate in blender too?

nvm i had a problem but i fixed it

Does not let me even move the gun. I followed everything and in the animation editor it won’t budge.

In case anyone has some troubles with animating tool parts (I certainly had several), here are some solutions:

Do not use HumanoidRootPart as a torso part

This creates inconsistent animations where they do not move with the body when the player jumps and moves around. I recommend using UpperTorso for R15 and Torso for R6.

Tool displacement

If you’re on the step where your tool should be moved to the torso and it is definitely not inside the torso, you probably messed up by trying to use the plugin to make the Motor6D. This can cause some displacement when you’re actually running the animation.

Here is some code as well that makes it use only one remote event and can easily change the names of what the BodyAttach and ToolGrip would be as well as what torso part you are using:

local torsoPart = "Torso"

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local char = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()

local WeaponTool = script.Parent

local toolGrip = char:WaitForChild(torsoPart):WaitForChild("ToolGrip")
local bodyAttach = WeaponTool:WaitForChild("BodyAttach")

local function fire(...)


	toolGrip.Part0 = char[torsoPart]
	toolGrip.Part1 = bodyAttach




local torsoPart = "Torso"

		local M6D ="Motor6D", char[torsoPart])
		M6D.Name = "ToolGrip"


	-- less work and just one remote event needed

    local torso = plr.Character[torsoPart]
	local toolGrip = torso["ToolGrip"]
	if location then
    	toolGrip.Part0 = torso
    toolGrip.Part1 = location -- if location is nil, this becomes nil


I’ve previously experienced some weird bug where if you try to put the Motor6D in a body part when the character spawns in, it is not there unless you use a wait() before parenting the Motor6D or if you replace CharacterAdded event with CharacterAppearanceLoaded instead.


Is anybody else having this same (R15) issue? I have the UpperTorso being used as the torso part and the explorer looking like so:

The problem I am experiencing comes down to when the Part0 of the Motor6D is set to the UpperTorso. Here is a GIF of the problem occurring.

When I clicked the UpperTorso, I already had Part0 selected as Gyazo GIFs have a time limit so I did not have too much time to show it during the GIF.

I’m not sure if I’m missing any information as I am a beginner at animating tools.

Make sure all parts are unanchored, including all of your tool’s part and the dummy’s part. Try a new dummy if it still happens.

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Run into a slight problem, does anyone have any ideas?