How to animate Tool Parts (Guns, Knifes etc.)

Animation priority must be higher than idle.

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Thanks so much for this amazing tutorial! Animating has been something I have considering been getting involved with but didn’t really know where to start. With your guide, I now have a starting ground to start playing around with some animations!


I never knew animating gears existed I thought you had to do it using blender lol.

Thanks for the tutorial :+1:

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Works now, thanks :slight_smile:

Nice tutorial but I have a slight problem. The animations work as intended but it seems that the part where it creates the bullet does not follow or come along with the animation.

As you can see in the video, the animations work but the part where it creates bullet does not follow it. And you can see the muzzle flash (thats inside the part) go off. How would I make this part follow with the animation? I hope I explained this well…

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Thank you! this article is very helpful.

Maybe you should re-rig the tool and make the Shoot Part visible to debug it.

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I found a bug. If you have 2 tools that use this method, and you directly switch from the tool you’re using to the other tool without unequipping the current tool you are holding, the handle will break and the tool will fall out of your hands. Anyway to overcome this?

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This the tool handle it is the players hand this is for the kantana.

I want to animate using the tutorial you did but you did it with a model and I’m using mesh parts.
Will it still work?

Yes, just make sure that the mesh can’t be named “MeshPart” as mentioned here.

Please also fully follow the tutorial, make a root part (Handle) and name it BodyAttach or anything else (Can’t be Handle), and weld the other parts of your tool with Motor6D.

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I followed it to the letter and i got this warning when i tried to animate.
One Motor6D is appilied to the BodyAttach and the mesh part under a tool with no require handle.
Another Motor6D is in torso that PART0 is Torso and the PART1 is the BodyAttach (part) i tried doing it with the motor 6D and it failed also

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Do you know why it’s doing this?

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When I equip my tool, it just stays inside of my torso, why?

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Really good tutorial man just one question:
**You said you can’t have the part named “meshpart” do you mean just it’s name? Or do you mean if the part type is an actual meshpart. **
Thanks, and again, wonderful tutorial.


Hi, I have the same problem as you (motor6d delay). Have you ever found a solution to fix it? It’s really annoying me.

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Is it normal for me not being able to animate/move the bodyattach part? If it is normal how would you go about animating recoil?

Edit - Also I’ve just noticed I am unable to move the bodyattach part at all now. Why is this?

Make sure that the BodyAttach is not anchored.

The part can be a MeshPart but the name can’t be.


I ended up using a different plugin and everything was happy.


Everything works great, but my tool is for some reason not being “held” correctly.