I- dont understand? You want to know how to animate in blender generally or you know how to animate a simple rig in blender but not a weapon? If you want to know how to animate then I suggest watch this by The Meep Man
animate WEAPONS, watch the video. i want to animate both a rig and a WEAPON not learn how to animate, i want to have a rig that has a weapon, that can be animated. what is it there to not understand, i tried some tutorials on youtube but they didnt work so im requesting help. im making combat animations, and i reached the part where i animate melee weapons like swords and axes, and i want them to rotate in the animation, the animation that im making in blender.
and whats not working, is the part where i add the weapon to an ik rig
… sigh. What is there that you do not understand!?
You get a rig, okay? You insert a tool into it. But make sure that tools is a model with a rigged tool that you want. Insert a motor6d in the handle and connect it with the RightArm of the rig. Then just export the rig into blender and animate!
i want the weapon that im animating to work when im using an inverse kinematics rig, not the one that gets exported right away, thats whats not working
Then you need to enable the IK property with the rblx blender plugin by den_s.
Once you set up the Motor6D script, add a Motor6D into the weapon and connect it to a dummy’s arm, parent the tool to the dummy, and export the rig.
thats not what i meant
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What do you mean “that’s not what i meant?” They answered your question, and more, what else is there?
Also, here.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zA-XUuyVuo&t=1051s (for adding weapons to the R6IK_2 rig)
https://youtu.be/ndqfIff3eqY?si=pEMprcKG1bEm7_JQ (for implementing IK into a rig you export)
BRO, i was talking about adding a weapon, to an already existing r6 ik rig
thats it, see what i meant?
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You weren’t specifying enough. You should’ve stated from the start that you wanted to add it to an already existing rig.
add the weapon to an ik rig, not make a rig with weapon ik
this is where i specified, see?
It wasn’t obvious that you wanted to add it to a new rig. You just said you wanted to add it to an IK rig in general.
i didnt want do add it to a new rig, the rig already existed
I’m aware of that now, but you weren’t clear about it earlier.
alright, but you did help me out, so thank you
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