How to apply a force to a Model?

Hello!! I’m making a scrip and I need to apply a force to a model so I can throw it. For example, I get a book model from the toolbox and I want to apply a force on it so i can throw it to my mouse position, similar to when you throw a projectile. I’ve tried putting a BodyVelocity on the model Primary Part but it doesn’t do anything. So, which force can I use to throw a model similar to when you throw a projectile with BodyVelocity? Ty

I am not 100% if i will be able to help you, but what was your BodyVelocity code?

Is it anchored and is its P 0? Try setting the P to 1250, that fixes my problems with BodyVelocity most of the time, and make the maxforce,math.huge,math.huge)

Oh and also, weld every part of the book to the primarypart or union it

Try using a VectorForce | Roblox Creator Documentation on your unanchored model.
If you are cloning a tool (I’m assuming the book is in your backpack) then make sure that the tool isn’t Anchored in the toolbox (backpack) where the clone of the tool is located.

Also, what is the MaxForce you are using in your BodyVelocity?