How to assign health bar to a new enemy

Hello, I’m trying to fix this issue where after the boss dies and when you respawn it the health bar won’t follow along the new boss that has respawned.

How can I make the health bar track the health of the new enemy after it has spawned in?

I thought of using Remote Events, but I can’t think of what to do here.

HealthBar LocalScript:

local HPBar = script.Parent
local HPText =  HPBar.Parent.TextLabel
local RepStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Boss = workspace:WaitForChild("SunGuy")

HPText.Text = tostring(Boss.Humanoid.Health).."/"..tostring(Boss.Humanoid.MaxHealth)

	local Health = math.floor(health)
	HPText.Text = tostring(Boss.Humanoid.Health).."/"..tostring(Boss.Humanoid.MaxHealth)
	--HealthBar.Size =,0,1,0)
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You will have to replace the HealthChanged event by relistening but on the new boss