How to attach part to an assembly without using weld?

I have a seat in a vehicle. I would like the seat to move together with the vehicle, but I do not want it to be part of the vehicle’s assembly.
Is there a way to do it?



There is a way provided for you:

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May I ask about the reason why not to make it part of the assembly? It usually makes sense to do so (welds, weld constraints, motor6Ds …). You can always set it to massless so it doesn’t affect the total mass.

Unfortunately way too slow (even with Rigidity Enabled) and causes huge shaking for the player sitting on this seat

It messes with Network Ownership. one player becomes network owned by another player and it causes all kind of nasty side effects

Only option to remove that shakiness is to change their network ownership tho or else ping latency will always make them lag a bit while sitting on the seat

but I thought that all parts of the assembly will have the same network ownership no matter what I set as ownership?

I have 2 situations:

  • vehicle and 2 players sitting in it
  • vehicle, player sitting in it and player attached with rope to the vehicle.

Is there any way in any of these 2 situations each player to network own its own character?

Yes there is a way so that each player has control over their own network but it will come at the cost of position lag

One thing you can do is CFrame the player constantly above the seat, from every client (that can see the player). If you do so, you should probably disable the collisions of the player, and anchor them (which has to be done every frame because Roblox. The collisions gets turned back on automatically)