How to automate Right to Erasure?

get all the datastores linked under the experience and look for the data entry that matches the user id

roblox can make dedicated field for each data entry that can be used to track data enteries based of user id (they probably already do that)

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It was plain example. I use this Key formating:
DataStoreKey = tostring(PlayerId) .. "/" .. tostring(self.SaveSlot) .. "/" .. tostring(self.PlotType) .. "/" .. tostring(self.ActiveIsland)

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Player1 and Player2 played a collab game. Their data is in single save.
Player1 requests for RTE, while Player2 wants to still play game.
What to do here?

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roblox knows what user id to remove data for because they terminate the account and erase its data if roblox can see what experiences people play and message creators why do you think they cant just remove their data from experience roblox net worth is 37 billion usd so i doubt that would be an issue at all for them if they wanted to

when youre using roblox datastores youre sending message to roblox servers that contains data like user id of the player (something they can save as a unique identifier) it doesnt matter if datastore key is something random or not its still saved in the external database (something roblox has access to)

also i doubt roblox will take any actions even if data entry not removed because this can easily be abused by exploiters and its just huge waste of resources

→ get all datastore keys of the experience
→ check each datastore entry if user id found than remove data

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I think I found my answer:

that userid can be encrypted on a 3rd party website with http requests to hide the userid

roblox validates data sent from the client if that was an issue than anyone would be able to overwrite other players data easily

can you even understand properly?

local useridtosave = 1
local encrypteduserid = game.httpservice:Getasync(“https://www.myencrypterwebsitethatrobloxhasnoideahowitworkstopsecret/”…useridtosave)
print(encrypteduserid) – z%^ef$g73$5r(@&#!!

You fail to understand primitive things about data saving.

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i think you misunderstand how external databases and apis work i wont be going too deep on how authentication and validation work

also theres no reason for roblox to encrypt the user id

no you just dont understand how external database and apis work

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You fail to understand that it not roblox encrypts data but developers. There’s 0 links between data and player possible.


the developer does, not roblox


and i fail to understand to understand the understanding of understandments

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youre still sending user id to roblox (something roblox keeps track of because its a unique identifier) if people were able to manipulate that than alot of bad stuff would occur

We not send User Id to roblox in any way. We send STRING KEY, with ANYTHING POSSIBLE


You’re right. They do have it stored in their external database but the issue is that keys are all unique and it’s simply not a viable solution for roblox to look for the key themselves and hence they find it easier to ask developers to erase the data.


Hello, welcome to my page. I’m GamEditoPro - scripter. I tried to do very realistic games on Roblox solo, but failed. And now I’m making not that realistics, but good and quality 2D games! It’s so fun to make 2D games on 3D engine xd.


they are still linked under the experieince id and player id

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You dont send the id to roblox, the datastore system takes only 1 key, if you dont give a userid to that key, roblox doesnt know what that key is used for.