How to Automatically Delete Unwanted Geometry

How do I automatically delete unwanted edges/vertices that are not needed to make the shape?



Searched before posting, couldn’t find anything besides manually doing it.

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One option is to use the Decimate modifier set to Planar, and select your angle that edges will simplify. You can find more info about this and other options on Blender-related sites and wikis.

Also the reason you couldn’t find an answer here is because the Roblox dev forums aren’t a great place for Blender questions. You should look at the Blender support forums or other places for better, more accurate help for these kinds of things :slightly_smiling_face:


@gamerobotjimmy Hey!

Solution: Limited Dissolve

This way isn’t the best because it can deform more advanced topology, but for lowpoly / planar objects limited dissolve helps a lot!


Test Conditions:

  • Same subdivided cube you have in the post.
  • Object Mode > Edit Mode (You’re now in edit more)
  • Click X, parse down for “Limited Dissolve”, you can do the same for edges and limit dissolve edges, and vertices, or straight up dissolve it and have the geometry reconnect with one less edge loop.


If it helped, upvote the message!

Thanks, hope it helped!


@Aotrou Decimate modifier works, but I don’t like the way it works because it only updates the visual of it and the vertices are still there, and I don’t know if there are side effects from that.
@BloodSpring Limited dissolve works really well for me because it’s easy to control where you want it and works very well. Always wondered what that did.

Are you applying the modifier? You have to apply them for them to work. This is intentional to avoid destructive actions for workflows :slight_smile:

Also, fun fact - Limited Dissolve uses about the same method of simplifying geometry as Decimate set to Planar, but with Limited Dissolve being immediate (and therefore more destructive). It’s quicker to use Limited Dissolve, but it’s almost more permanent.

Here’s the same beveled cube culling geometry at 25 degrees.

Yes, you’re correct but I’m saying it only effects the visual. If you go into edit mode the vertices are still there so it could get a little confusing what the end result looks like, and it’s harder to choose where the modifier applies to.
Looking back at the reply I might actually be mistaken, does applying the modifier make it so it applies to the vertices in edit mode? Either way I’m gonna stick with limited dissolve for now, I could always undo since it’s more “destructive”