How to avoid getting banned while uploading images

I just got a one day ban for the following image: Indecatorv2

There have been multiple times I’ve been content warned for uploading what are seemingly innocuous images to me. What are the best practices for making sure my content wont be banned? Do the appeal processes actually work? Its unfortunate that I have to stop development online for something so dumb


I use my sister’s account since she doesn’t play Roblox anymore , but you can use an alt account if you want. Roblox technically doesn’t allow this but its the only safe thing to do is you don’t wanna be banned

I’ve went thru the same situation too, I uploaded an “open me” button and it got banned lollll
And for other images too

I wish Roblox moderation improves rn

Just use alts I guess as @Mr_RainBowsYT suggested

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I have been warned many a time for images/decals I upload that are not inappropriate in the slightest, but never banned. From reading the post it seems like you haven’t appealed, which I don’t know whether to recommend as I have seen many times that appealing does basically nothing.

I’d say try to appeal, but if that fails idk. 1 day ban isn’t terrible, but I believe they add up the time of the ban after the first offence.

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