How to Bake Objects with Image Textures?

I am using Blender 2.92 and wondering how to bake images with an image texture. I am using a palette for this.

That is the model and I want to bake the textures but when baking it just blends all the colors from the orginial rainbow palette and spreads them apart. Any help is appreciated. :))

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This is also rigged btw :))

roblox is cool

I saw the tutorial for this earlier today, nice recreation!

As for actually using the texture, you have to UV unwrap the mesh (which I think is already done?). Then, you can upload the texture as an image to Roblox, import your mesh to Roblox, then put the image’s TextureID into the mesh.

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When I do that, it just makes the model into a rainbow color.

Please share pictures of your UV and texture then, as well as what it looks like currently in Studio. Always lead posts with this info so we don’t have to ask :slight_smile:

Also I’m surprised you already haven’t unwrapped it since I’m fairly sure your texture is just a simplified TextureAtlas of colours if you followed the Youtube tutorial.

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here is the palette

Who told you to use a texture this small? Textures this small compress all the colours into an averaged colour which is entirely useless.

Don’t go lower than 64x64 (or 32x32 if you’re really sure of yourself). Roblox chops up textures and the file size is negligible at these small scales.

Additionally, please still show your UV and how it looks in Studio. It helps to see all of these.

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The texture looks like that when I download it but in blender I just zoom and it is perfectly normal. image here is the colors in its uv form ig

Blender’s texture view will always zoom all the way into your texture so that you can actually work. That doesn’t mean that’s the actual size of the texture. Your texture looks like it’s 8x8 pixels, maybe 16x16.

Use an image editing software to make a better Texture Atlas. Something as basic as this wouldn’t be difficult, especially if you’re just using three colours.

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Alright then so that was my issue then? The palette was too small? :thinking:

Still need to see how it looks in Studio to be certain. But it’s a likely culprit.

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Alright then, I will probably make my own palette next time :joy: And what size should the palette be?

I answered this above. Try it out:

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Oops. Thanks again for your help. :))

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