How to become Hikaru

Hello, I want to become Hikaru. All seriousness though, I’m trying to make a chess game where you play against a bot kind of like stockfish.

How would I get the best stockfish move by a png? (if you don’t know what a chess PNG its this) Is it possible to use like https service or something?
bassically what I could create chess pngs and them give them to the server which would return the best move and it would play that move.

I have seen games like CHESS! - Roblox

which use stockfish to play against you on roblox. so how do this myself?


Sunfish seems to be open source

the only thing is though it says “pretty decent ai” and I want the best ai since I am going to be training myself on it.

Here is what I am doing:

I play against the bot and I keep playing until I play the move that isnt the best in that situation. Once I play the move that isnt the best in that situation, it ends the game and tells me what I did wrong