How to become ragdoll when got player got hit by a spell?

How can i make player become ragdoll when they got it by a spell . So i already made my spell and i have already have a ragdoll script but my problem is that idk how to make a player become ragdoll without being dead and how to made the player stand up after being a ragdoll . (Im not asking for a sript but in how can i make that happen ) My ragdoll script is the one of EchoReaper if u want to check the script .


A possible solution

When your spell script detects a collision (via FindPartOnRay most likely), run the ragdoll script for the hit player.

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Without your ragdoll script or collision / spell script we can not really help you. #scripting-support is for helping with scripts, not giving them.

OP isn’t asking for code though?

Pointers at the very least are nice to give. In the case of the thread, OP is attempting to determine when a player is hit by a projectile (or raycast, depending on the implementation) to activate some kind of code.

That being said, well, there’s several different ways to do that. It’s in regards to hitboxes. There’s things available such as

  • Touched
  • GetTouchingParts (in a loop)
  • Region3 (if that has any use)
  • Part-Ray functions

I haven’t worked with projectiles myself so I can’t really provide a good answer here.

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