So I have this part that is needed to block the sun, but there are two problems
The part is visible when you look at it and it casts a shadow
I need any. way. to block the sun from shinning on an object, without casting a shadow over it
I need any. way. to block the sun from shinning on an object, without casting a shadow over it
Are you trying to make items less reflective?
Try using Materials that don’t reflect much light. Stay away from Glass, SmoothPlastic, Ice, or Foil.
You can also mess around with a few of the Properties of Lighting to make it less reflective, or to even decrease the amount of Light in the entire place.
Go to the parts propery and uncheck “CastShadows”
Glass is required for this, and the lighting cannot be changed sadly
then the sunlight gets through, I need to way to block the sunlight without casting a shadow
But a shadow is the sunlight being blocked.
Can’t you use SmoothPlastic instead? It’s what we used to use for glass since the beginning of Roblox.
What is the purpose of this?
You keep saying you want to block sunlight, but not cast a shadow, which doesn’t make much sense as @PILOT5A said. You don’t mention why you want to do it. We may have a solution, but if we don’t know the actual problem we can’t help much.
If you said:
‘I don’t want a parts colour to change when it’s in or out of sunlight’
or ‘I don’t want the suns reflection to show on a Part when it’s in the sun’
or ‘My MeshPart has strange shadows when it’s in the sunlight’
we would have a better idea of what could be a fix for the problem.
I didn’t explain why I wanted it because of the complicated situation.
By clipping a piece of glass into the camera with a RS loop you are able to make a blurred refraction effect. Though the sun affects the visibility through the glass. So not, it cannot be smooth plastic.
I need something to block the sunlight, without placing a shadow on the ground.
I also didn’t want to explain the situation so I could possibly find a creative solution, not just get the answer “its not possible”
I’ve tried viewport frames, post processing effects, billboard guis
I’m aware, the point is to find a way to pass this
I know that if you increase the Transparency of Glass the shadow ‘turns off’, (I think it was Transparency .8, but experiment with it) but I’m not sure if the effect you want would still be visible with that high of a Transparency.
Also I don’t know if changes to a players Graphics level would affect what you’re trying to achieve.
By blocking the sunlight, do you mean blocking it in a way as if there was no sun at all where the shadow would be? If so, not possible.