I am a builder noob. In fact ive actually never built anything before other than some simple models (which look bad). My question is where do I even start when making an obby? I have all the code done, dev products, spawns, really module. The theme is a prison and im honestly just lost in how to build this.
well first you need to know how hard you want the obby to be, also usually if you want to make an obby, you’ll need to playtest it a bunch to see if it’s good enough for the players to enjoy, try looking at references on what it’s like inside a prison, try replicating it and putting a lava floor and obstacles
You can make a your own model of a kill part, a checkpoint part because they’re the principal things that compose an obby.
Something you can start on is the spawn. It’s up to you what you want it to be like.
For your obby, you can do whatever you want. You can try to tell a story with your obby.
Edit: By spawn I mean like a lobby or the starting point of the story.
As you have a prison theme, maybe you can add obstacles like the cafeteria tables as platforms, or even vents as a maze.
Also search up an interior prison image. Images always give a good reference of what to build (for me).
An obby is fairly easy to make. Just make parts that the player can jump to and from, then texture or color the parts in order to match the theme you are going for, which is a Prison.