How to calculate the HipHeight when the Character has no legs?

I’m making a Prop Hunt game and I use R15. When you transform into a Prop your legs are destroyed. I need to change the HipHeight so that it looks like your actually touching the ground.

I’ve checked the wiki page for HipHeight but it’s been of no help and has actually confused me more on how HipHeight works.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • For R15, HipHeight is the distance between the ground and the bottom of your HumanoidRootPart.
  • For R6, HipHeight is essentially the distance between the ground and the bottom of your Legs (if they exist), otherwise it’s the distance between the ground and the bottom of your HumanoidRootPart.

The number you set HipHeight to depends entirely on the position of the HumanoidRootPart relative to the rest of the character model. You may have to include this information in the character model via something like a NumberValue. For example, if the bottom of your HumanoidRootPart is 1 stud above the base of the character model, you would set HipHeight to 1.

(Also, due to a bug with R15 you shouldn’t put the HumanoidRootPart on the ground and set HipHeight to 0. Your character will start skidding all over the place.)


Thank you! That was a big help.