How to call a method from a module script?

I’m currently writing a ModuleScript that contains various methods for various UI animations. For legibility purposes, I don’t want to call those methods via the traditional way of ModuleScript.Function(Parameter), as I would have to call it like this UiAnims.FadeIn(Instance), which isn’t very readable when skimming code quickly.

Instead I would want to call it like this:
Much the same as to how you would destroy an instance: Instance:Destroy()

How would I go about doing this? Furthermore, how would I know what InstanceClass the method is being called on?
I’ve tried this so far:

--Script: Calls method(s) from ModuleScript
local UiAnims = require(game.ServerScriptService.UiAnims)
local ImageLabel = script.Parent

--ModuleScript: Method(s) that are called from Script(s)
local module = {}

function module:FadeIn()
    print("Executing :FadeIn method on Instance")

return module

Thank you in advance!

So, you would like to set it as a method instead of a normal function?

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You would need to pass the instance as an argument.

Unfortunately, that would effect legibility, which is my primary concern.

Yes. I want to be able to simply require the module script and then call the method on any instance that is a UI element, without needing to reference the moduelscript several times.

Just make a plugin that whenever it is a UI element, it automatically requires the modules.

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if you want me to make that, let me know and I send it to you.

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Your best bet is to use bindable event with a custom RBXScriptConnection

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I pass a function as a callback in some of my modules. For example, in the Module Script:

-- I am Module Script game.ServerScriptService.UiAnims
local functionFromParent = {}	-- a callback, will store a function hook from parent module

function m.setPlinthCallback(pFunc) -- set the callback
	functionFromParent = pFunc
function doStuffThatRequiresCallback(pParam1, pParam2, pEtc) -- normal module code, doing its thing
    functionFromParent(pParam1, "test", true) -- call the callback and pass the parameters that it expects

return m

And in the parent main module that invokes the module above:

myModule = require(game.ServerScriptService.UiAnims) -- module is loaded, but can't call parent functions in THIS module. So:

function theFunctionThatModuleNeedsToCallbackTo(pParam1, pStr, pParam3)
  -- This function may be called by loaded modules by passing a reference to it
  -- do stuff

myModule.setPlinthCallback(theFunctionThatModuleNeedsToCallbackTo) -- Tell it the callback function

To keep track of which InstanceClass, then, you could add it to the params when setting the callback.

You could make the class and call the methods (the anims) on the instances with something like:

local UIAnims = {}
UIAnims.__index = UIAnims

	local self = setmetatable({}, UIAnims)
	self.instance = instance
	return self

function UIAnims:FadeIn(duration)
	-- Do your fading here
	print("Executing :FadeIn method on Instance")

return UIAnims

With an example usage:

-- Usage
local UIAnims = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.UIAnims)
local ImageLabel =

This will create an object of the UIAnims class for the specified UIElement and you can then call methods on that object (such as FadeIn, or whatever other animations you want to add).

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