How to change a players animation pack

I want to allow players to change their animation pack. I’m using HumanoidDescription, but when I print


It prints 0 for me. I don’t have an animation bundle or whatever they are called equipped on my character, so its it normal to reset to 0?

And if so, since HumanoidDescription animations look like so

ClimbAnimation 0
FallAnimation 0
IdleAnimation 0
JumpAnimation 0
RunAnimation 0
SwimAnimation 0
WalkAnimation 0
Do I need to find each animation packs individual animation (jump, idle etc.) or is there a way to just use the packages id and it will work?
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Someone may correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe inside of the game settings in studio, under avatar, then Animation, setting it to “Player Choice” should allow the player to load in with their animation bundle.

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That’s not what I am after. I’m making an in game character customise menu, and I want to allow them to equip them in game

Alright, in that case, I’d refer you to this article.. I do believe if you were to go with this fix you’d only need to get the package ID.

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Does not work :confused: The Animation.Value is 75 which is the Ninja animation pack bundle id.

humanoidDescription.ClimbAnimation = PlayerData.Character.Animation.Value
humanoidDescription.FallAnimation = PlayerData.Character.Animation.Value
humanoidDescription.IdleAnimation = PlayerData.Character.Animation.Value
humanoidDescription.JumpAnimation = PlayerData.Character.Animation.Value
humanoidDescription.RunAnimation = PlayerData.Character.Animation.Value
humanoidDescription.SwimAnimation = PlayerData.Character.Animation.Value
humanoidDescription.WalkAnimation = PlayerData.Character.Animation.Value

I get this warning
Humanoid::ApplyDescription() HumanoidDescription has the same asset used in more than one property

Instead of using the pack bundle ID, try using each specific animation’s catalog ID.

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How can I get the individual ID’s from the bundle ID? I don’t want to go to the catalog and have to grab every single animations individual animation