How to Change Angle of Camera

I am currently trying to make my camera look something like this by changing the angle of the players camera when they join the game. I know how to change the CFrame so that the camera is lined up, i just need to know how to change the camera so that it faces more up/down

This is what it looks like right now when you join the game


When you CFrame in ROBLOX, there’s multiple ways you can construct the CFrame.

There’s one way which will benefit you here -, Vector3lookat)

You can a Vector3 position in first, and then the position you want the CFrame to lookat in the second.

For example, if you were going to have a part that you wanted the camera to replicate’s position, and a part for the camera to lookat, you would do something like this

local Cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
local Pos = workspace.POSITIONPART.Position
local lookAt = workspace.LOOKATPART.Position

Cam.CFrame =, lookAt)

Thanks, i made a part and anchored it. Then I just set the focus of the camera and the CFrame of the camera = to the CFrame of the part and that solved my problem.