How to change appearance of a ProximityPrompt based off of player's team

I want to change a proximity prompts TextColor to red if the player cannot interact with it, (player team, cooldown, etc) But I personally have no idea where to start, I’ve looked into it a bit and couldn’t find any results that would help with this. I’ve attached pictures below showing what I’d like to recreate.


im not smart with proximity prompts, so i dont think its possible to make it, unless you create your own proximity prompt script

To do what you show here it seems like you need to make a custom proximity prompt irrelevant to roblox’s built-in one, so you should look into that. As for the colour, it should be fairly easy to do after you make the custom proximity prompt

The picture above shoes its possible, as that game uses proximity prompts.

Proximity prompts have the option to use “Default” or “Custom” when using custom you can design your own UI and have that pop up instead of the default one, so there you could adjust the text color using a Local-script to make it appear differently for different players

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I’ll try this out, Thanks a lot. How would I customize the Gui?

You can do this by using the ProximityPromptService and the PromptShown event in a localscript, This is the most simpliest way that works efficiently.

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