How to change AssemblyMass?

So, I’m working on BloodLine - Alpha. [ Link: BLOODLINE [ BEING REVAMPED ] - Roblox ]

And I decided to do something: When you lose your legs [ Left Leg and Right Leg. ] a crawl animations plays, and you get 2 damage every second. Simple, right? No.
I need to change the mass of the torso, because if I don’t change it, this happens [ Blood Warning. ]:

I tried using Character.Torso.CustomPhysicalProperties = but that didn’t worked.

  • Tsu Washington / SovietFurryBruh.

You can just make the Torso massless.

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No no, I want to make it heavier.

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Oh I read your post wrong, I see.

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Did you enable Custom physical properties because if you don’t the properties wont count I think so like what coder husk said you can just increase the density.

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if u want it to be heavier just increase its density

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I already tried putting CustomPhysicalProperties = true but I get an error.

Try doing this:

TheTorsoName.CustomPhysicalProperties.Density = to any number you want
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Oh, I’ll try that right now. Thanks.

Nope, that didn’t worked.

[ C h a r a c t e r s . ]

I think the problem that is described in your video has nothing to do with the torso’s mass. I think it has to do with the character’s humanoid hip height. If the hip height is too low, it will cause unintentional sliding. Try and change the hip height a bit when they lose their legs, and change it back when they get their legs back.

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Okay, I’ll try doing that too.

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Thanks, that worked. Now the character ins’t sliding into the grass.