How to change CFrame orientation without changing position?

Hello everyone! So i made a phase where player gets tentacles that can attack other players when tentacle’s owner clicks mouse. I wanted to make attack smooth and i though about Tween Service, but there is problem… Tentacle is made from so much parts (and also parts that i can’t union), so i need to use CFrame to make all parts move, but when i will use tentacles position player will can’t walk beacuse while animation playing tentacle will try to move to they position (that i will choose when changing CFrame) so how can i change CFrame’s ORIENTATION, but not position? Please, help!

1 Like * CFrame.Angles(desired rotation)

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Thanks for reply! No, i already said that using tentacle’s old position while tween animation it probably make player stuck beacuse tentacles will try to return to choosed position. (they attached to player and will go to changed position with him) Please, read everything i wrote!

What? Can you explain it more?

I made few tentacles and attached it on player, and i need to make them move when he want. BUT tentacle is created from so much parts, and they will don’t move with primary part if i will change orientation, so i need to change CFrame, but if i will change tentacles cframe position it just will don’t let player move, beacuse tentacles while tween position grab player with them.

I want let player walk while tentacles moving.

also i tried CFrame.fromOrientation, but it’s just sets position to 0, 0, 0

Multiply it with your position

i think it will be so buggy. I would do it if i wouldn’t though about it.

It will make player move to 0,0,0 smoothly, i don’t think i can multiply it.

uh, i realised it’s will be buggy to change tentacles cframe orientation too, but anyway i still want to know how to change cframe orientation without changing position.