How To Change Character on the Client Only

Alright so I want the player to set their own character to a rig created on the server so that the client can control the rig without replicating any data to the server. For some odd reason, the character can be rotated with mouse lock but just refuses to move. Whats really strange about this is that it should work, I even forked the player controller module to output my movements, which all print. I also know that the client can fully control client sided rigs, but it just doesn’t work in this scenario for whatever reason. I know that I can just clone the character on the client but that complicates things as your character appearance needs to change on the server. I’m unsure of where to go from here, and all the things I tried haven’t been working. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

So as it turns out, you can’t do ANYTHING physics related to any object that your client does not have network ownership of. Seeing as I don’t want to make a custom physics system with CFrames, this is literally impossible to do.