How To Change Controller UI Selection Color

What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I want to change the selection color from blue to red to indicate the player they are about to change the keybind they have selected!

This is how the ui indicates this on keyboard


But with the controller the blue selection covers this so i cant relay it to the player is there a way to change the color of the ui selection?


Don’t quote me on this, but I believe that you could use GUI Service and when the layout GUI is active you could disable GUINavigationEnabled and use your custom navigation by using ContextActionService. Then when the user closes out of the tab then you could re-enable GuiNavigationEnabled.

Well i dont wanna be making an entire navigation system for a menu a player would open once in a while. Is there like a simple way like being able to turn off the selection or something?

Alright I think I know what you are going for, and I did it as well to make my own custom selection.
It’s not really creating your own navigation system, all you are doing is disabling the blueish navigation thing that you see.

local GuiService = game:GetService("GuiService")

GuiService.AutoSelectGuiEnabled = false
GuiService.GuiNavigationEnabled	= false

All that does is removes the blue overlay when they click the select button.
I believe that is what your asking.

Just re-enable when they exit the menu.

If you want more control:
You have probably already made your own selection system but:
If you haven’t already, you could check to see when the D-Pad was clicked up or down with CAS, and then custom make your selection object to what the user has clicked.
What I usually do is just have a table in order with each frame, then when the player clicks their D-Pad up or down, set the index of the table up or down. The index of the table is what will be selected.