How to change default animations for R15?

How to change default animations for R15?
walk, jump etc

The moment you have the animations you want to use, if you hit play in Studio and go to StarterCharacterScripts you can copy the ‘Animate’ from there - this way you get a fresh copy which hasn’t gone through any processes.

You can then change all the respective ID’s to suit your needs which will be children on the Animate script. You can also change them internally through the script as well as edit behaviors.

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  • 1. Press play
  • 2. Find your character in explorer and open it, then find animate script and copy it.
  • 3. Stop the game.
  • 4. Paste Animate script in StarterCharacterScripts.
  • 5. Change animations in animate.

EDIT: Animation should be made by you, not someone or else you won’t be able
to use it.



hey, seems like it’s not working no clue why
changed it with my script.
walk = {
{ id = “”, weight = 10 }
But still doesn’t works

you need to change it here as well(WalkAnim not value)

Nope, still the same result

Yes as @Fel1x_FX said you’ll need to change it in the child labelled “walk” as well. This is because it cycles through that list to update any animations with the new values - if you delete walk in that list it will have no effect on it. Change the animations which are then children of the one labelled “walk”.

Is animation yours?


yes, animation is mine obviously 3

are you sure you changed the id of WalkAnim not value?

Are you changing the animation and not the string itself. It is called ‘WalkAnim’.

I changed the both
30charrrs ss

You did change that in properties, not changed their name, right?

I would stand by, it might not be an error on your behalf and instead an error with Roblox right now.

Everything is being slow and as such it might not be able to fetch the asset at this time as its new.

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