I’m trying to make a new IntroUi, but I had a couple of questions because I didn’t know how to do some things;
How do I slowly change the size of a frame/etc. ?
How do I make a frame/etc. fade out?
I’m trying to make a new IntroUi, but I had a couple of questions because I didn’t know how to do some things;
How do I slowly change the size of a frame/etc. ?
How do I make a frame/etc. fade out?
For changing the size, use :TweenSize
As for making the frame fade out, I assume you mean through changing the transparency of it. A pretty basic script, you can change it to what you need:
for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do -- for loop, counting from 0 -> 1 in increments of 0.1
Frame.BackgroundTransparency = i -- setting transparency to what i is (e.g. if the loop has got to 0.2, transparency will be 0.2)
You are advised to use the TweenService. There are examples on the Create page.
Using the TweenService is more modern than using the TweenSize method, but they should be the same in performance.