How to change player animations?

I have a rig. That rig is the player’s character. How can I customize the DEFAULT animations? Specifically, the fall and the jump

Thanks I am noob

change animation IDs to your own

Currently testing to see if it works…

Alright, I have the animation and I did the script, but it doesn’t work. Script:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local jumpAnimation = "rbxassetid://00000000" --this is a placeholder for this code snippet, not in real code

local function onCharacterAdded(character)
	local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

	local animateScript = character:WaitForChild("Animate")
	animateScript.jump.JumpAnim.AnimationId = jumpAnimation

local function onPlayerAdded(player)


Does it error at all? Use :WaitForChild() here.

(this would be better in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support )

No, no errors. I don’t understand where to put that :WaitForChild()
(k, I moved)

A more simple solution is to simply play the game from studio, go to your character and copy Animate. Exit the game and put Animate in StarterPlayerScripts. Then edit the jump animation id inside the Animate script that you pasted.

Nope, not working!

Try putting it in StarterCharacterScripts then, I just tested and it worked for me this way. Also change the animation id under Animate, so not just inside the script.

It worked, thanks @12345koip and also @Giorgi311! I am now going to fix some things on the animation itself, add more etc…

One last thing, the animation is uploaded but I now need to edit it to fix an error. How can I do this?

Hello? Pls answer me :pleading_face:

Error in the animation or the script?

The animation. I have an initial frame, then a second frame for the jump, a third equal to the second so the character stays still for some time and a fourth where the character starts looking down and falling. However, between the second and the third, instead of the left arm staying still it does a 360º rotation.

Forget it, I will make new post