How to change players limb size without changing its position

hello fellow devs! im making a game that will make your characters limbs bigger. so imagine you are making head bigger, when i do it, it size ups by the center, how can i do it like head will size up to 10,10,10 but wont be colliding parts,

ref of what i have
Screenshot 2024-03-19 195208

ref of what i want

Screenshot 2024-03-19 195302


The torso has a Motor6D child called Neck. Try changing its C1.Position property from 0, -0.5, 0 to 0, 5, 0. For other heights, change it to 0, headHeight / 2, 0.

The problem isn’t that you’re changing the position - it’s that you aren’t. It still places the center at the same position, so you have to change it to correct for that.

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